Ottawa Open House Weekend

It was raining and I insisted on continuing with an Open House in Ottawa. Sure a sunny day would have been more pleasant and cheerier.

So the Open House Signs were distributed to strategic locations by 9 am.I visited the house to check on Temperature. I lit the lights and added some soft music and finished by closing all toilet lids. These actions allowed me to return at 2 pm the open house start time and have everything ready to go.

Next I picked up the cake and chilled the champagne. I placed the glasses, champagne bucket, paper plates and forkes in the car. I added the table cloth and candle holders. Hey! don’t for get the elegant tapered candles and lighter!

I printed all me feature sheets. On the back I printed all relevant homes in the area that recently sold or are active. Good for comparing.

I had a small nap so that when I would be fresh and engaging when prospective Buyers entered the house. The rest is as you see in the video!

About 28 visitors in total with four people interested in the house. That’s good for everyone.