Cottage Reminders: Fire & Carbon Monoxide Safety

Fire Spreads Quickly

How long do you have to escape a home or cottage that’s on fire? The experts give you approximately 1-2 minutes. In most cases, by the two minute mark is fire is considered life-threatening. By the five minute mark, a cottage or residence can be fully engulfed in flames.

Since fire spreads quickly, it is essential to remember you do not have time to collect your valuable, nor do you have time to make phone calls.

Fire Carbon Monoxide SafetyFire & Carbon Monoxide Safety

The Ontario Association of Fire Chief’s would like to remind all cottage owners that fire and carbon monoxide safety is critical. Just as you would at your primary residence, take the time to prepare and practice an escape plan. Be aware of the legal requirements for maintaining and testing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.

Quick Tips

  1. When opening and closing your cottage, always test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace any fire alarms in excess of 10 years old. Carbon monoxide detectors have a lifespans of 7-10 years, depending on manufacturer. Be sure to check the expiry date on your product and heed the replacement warning.
  2. If your alarms require batteries for full function or backup, be sure to only use fresh batteries. Rechargeable are not recommended.
  3. In Ontario, a working smoke alarm is required in the basement and on each storey, in addition to outside all sleeping areas. To view the regularly updated Ontario laws, please visit

Safe At Home

Safe At Home is an excellent online guide to fire and carbon monoxide safety in Canada.