How will I know what house is best for me… after Whitney Houston’s balad. Remember that great tune? Living and lovin in Westboro
So often I hear this question be it first time buyers or downsizing Moms and Dads. We all have likes and dislikes but there are some fundamental homes features that reach out and seize the buyer’s heart saying take me I’m all yours forever and forever! Yes it’s like falling in love… everything works … the house is right in every respect; it’s home. How will I know?
Finding the right house is discovering you feel well in the house, feeling good. Fact is it is more an emotion judgment than it is a list of attributes. Course, lot size, mature trees, maintenance free, garage, bedrooms, bathrooms, grand room, chef’s kitchen and granite countertops will all help convince the heart of stone but the truth is when we the feel the light, the laughter, the warmth and the potential for happiness that is a house worth living in! celebrate.
One of the features I like in a good home is the ability to move freely about in different directions as if you were chasing the dog from room to room, going round and round and finally stop and run the opposite direction to catch it. Having a central wall or staircase with rooms distributed around the core. That feature offers privacy and easy access in a small living surface. I love sunlight streaming through the kitchen windows and the bathrooms alike. Imagine enjoying a shower with the shower curtains brilliantly illuminated with sunlight! Glorious.
Another factor that helps to reveal a superior home is asking the question how would the house contribute to an evening party? If people can circulate from the kitchen to the living room and access the bathrooms easily, if they can come into the home and go outside to the garden terrace easily then the party will be successful. Just have to add you and your friends.
Use this measure and you found a good house.
I hear Whitney Houston’s song like this: How will I know? I’m asking you cus you know about these things… I think; Let me help you find your dream home cus I know about these things.
Turn up the volume! Click to listen to Whitney first video of How Will I Know.